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Video Games. DI Jan Shields in Val McDermid 's ''The Torment of Others'' is a particularly nasty example who uses More than Mind Control on a succession of mentally challenged young men to force them to kidnap and torture prostitutes for her viewing pleasure. Down on Abby official website. At the end of her life, she had gone full crazy and demanded that her soldiers worship her as a god, even as her enemies were already breaking through her forces and on their way to kill her. Comic Books. Wand Orgasm And Pussy Play. And they're perfectly okay with Students being murdered. A sadistic police officer who brutalizes young women, she was one of the creepiest enemies in the game. It's even worse because the older teacher tries to save her by sharing her own forbidden love. Part of the reason is she makes some of the most disturbing facial expressions ever Since the second season ended, their problem with Psycho Lesbians seems to have disappeared: In "Conspiracy Theory", the killers turned out to be two women who had been committed to a mental hospital, where they now have sex with each other. All of this was apparently "punishment" for Jennifer "falling in love with Brown".

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