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Are you snowed in on snowday? The plaintiffs argue this law is a violation of the First amendment because they say it restricts free speech unnecessarily. Tim Donnelly is a freelance journalist. A slew of adult-content website operators and a California-based free-speech trade group are suing Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita over Indiana's impending age-verification law , which authorizes Rokita to sue porn websites if they fail to adequately screen out children from viewing their content. Pornhub and other operators are seeking to block the law, which they argue impinges on adults' free speech and other constitutional rights. When the bill was sent to Gov. In mid March, as a kinda-sorta blizzard pounded the Northeast, canceling schools, closing subways and trapping people indoors, an internet porn site came to their rescue, and not just by giving them something to keep their hands busy. Lawmakers had nearly unanimously passed Senate Bill 17 in March, and it's set to go into effect on July 1, unless a judge grants this injunction. Kayla Dwyer Indianapolis Star. PornHub wants to plow your driveway. It requires those website operators to, beginning July 1, have a "reasonable age verification method" to prevent minors from viewing their site. We can, and should, make the Internet safer for minors.

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