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She holds an undergraduate degree in journalism from Northwestern University. State government and politics reporting is supported in part by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Andy Beshear then signed the bill into law. Mental health summit highlights growth of mobile crisis by Mia Hilkowitz June 13, AP and Getty images may not be republished. Louisville Public Media depends on donations from members — generous people like you — for the majority of our funding. She previously covered city-county government for the Indianapolis Business Journal. Gex Williams from Verona said he was aware that some sites chose to exit the state rather than comply with the requirements. Concerns about overpolicing at Indiana polling places after Morales guidance. Earlier this year, Kentucky lawmakers passed a bill — following in the footsteps of several other red states — that requires pornography websites to verify that Kentucky users are more than 18 years old. Screenshot of website Lawmakers tussled over the legislation in committee and on the floor. Its exit is planned for June

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