Age verification for pornhub

Age verification for pornhub

Aleksander Hougen. March 15, pm. Crucially, it also infringes on the privacy of users who might not be comfortable connecting their identity to their porn habits. Jasna Mishevska. According to the FSC's age verification law tracker , laws in three more states are scheduled to take effect in the near future. On July 1, laws requiring adult websites to verify user ages took effect in Mississippi and Virginia, despite efforts by Pornhub to push back against the legislation. Journalists and dissidents are taking advantage. By Mark Harris. He graduated from the University of Sheffield with a degree in journalism and now lives in London. Whatever tech issues the porn industry encounters, the rest of the internet usually follows. Masturbation is about to get a bit more fiddly from April this year — with porn sites requiring ID, including free ones like YouPorn and Pornhub. This can slow your speeds down, which means you might not be able to watch in HD.

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