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He attended the same middle school with Matsuda and Motohama and the three of them started attending Kuoh Academy one year before the story, and have come to be known as the Perverted Trio to just about the entire school. His first kiss was with his childhood friend Irina Shidou , although he was asleep. His favorite song is the intro of Dragon Ball. So, until next time. After the Evil Dragon War , he was promoted to the rank of a High-Class Devil , becoming the King of his own independent peerage , and is one step closer to fulfilling his dream of having a harem and becoming a "Harem King". He later returned the hammer after Loki's defeat. Excalibur Durandal Ascalon Caliburn. This would also cause him to become oblivious to the feelings of the girls around him save for Rias after his confession , often believing they are simply teasing him or even leading him on as Raynare did. I will definitely protect Asia! Then my eyes if another one comes in. I made such a choice bearing my thoughts, worries and all. Sorry, no more sensitive words are coming to me

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