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One word One of the selling points here is of course watching Adrien Brody play the brooding action hero complete with bulging biceps and washboard stomach. Noland Laurence Fishburne gives us interesting information on their intentions. Hide Spoilers. Smacki 9 December Besides a late flurry of actual and conspicuous violence, "Predators" actually fares better in its early scenes where the humans explore their predicament and the film plays the suspense card remarkably well. My favorite thing about this movie though was the fact that there was two different type of predators the ones that we've seen from the other movies and the new ones who apparently are the stronger ones. And what I really love is the fact that there is very little use of CGI. Sure there's some bonuses in the form of alien pets, a predator feud arc and a bonkers midsection with the introduction of another character. And in "Predators", he infuses it with not just a showcase of tried and tested sci-fi ideals but also a discernible impression of a robust horror film. Not many people can say they've experienced that. Related content:.

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