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Tortimer keeps his "club" as a way to help the player in his mayoral duties. Yes, totally Shinji Ikari's dream. Animal Crossing is a hallucination of Shinji Ikari. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. The anthromorphic animals are really monsters who were freed from the Underground in the Pacifist ending. The animals go inside your house all the time and bring up in conversation that they did some cartwheels on your floor when you weren't home creepy, yes. The player character is a lone wanderer who was lucky enough to stumble upon the town. Video help, tips, and techniques Showing your sample embed Return to help. So Irony it's Funny. But there is a glitch where Mike and Frank can get wanted by friendly greeting others. Not exactly, just suggesting he hates people. This is actually some sort of funerary ritual, in which the deceasing member of the community sends a goodbye letter one day before his predicted death.

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