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Season 1. EP 5 Hoppy Bunny Carl's home becomes a haven for furries. The villains, Emory and Oglethorpe, kidnap Master Shake and replace him with a "replicant" alien. A new tattoo should bring Master Shake success with the ladies, if it doesn't bring death to everyone else. Chap2er 2wo of 2he Grea2es2 Mo2ion Pic2ure 2rilogy ever 2i2led. Master Shake and Carl Split the cost of bringing a mail order bride over from Russia whom they both plan to marry. The Mooninites return with a belt that grants them the abilities of a 70's super group. Meatwad gains the power to see the near future. Frylock gives him a new super-brain, turning Meatwad into an arrogant jerk. Video Expand the sub menu. That makes me laugh. EP 4 Reedickyoulus Carl's new male enhancement device produces some unsavory side effects.

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