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Bachlor party pornhub

Quick Reply. Cancel Changes. Advanced Search. DancingBear , July Jones. This is not my first post on the forums, just my first post with this username. Some "feels" I am glad I will never experience in life. I do beleive her when she says a guy dancing in a thong is not exacltly attractive and more funny. Lost Bets Games. Sic Flics 1, videos. LifeSelector 1, videos. She is not a "wild" girl and barely drinks so my main question is what is the best way to tell her of my concerns and my opinon and bascially I want to say, "I would really really prefer if you don't touch the guy because if I was touching a girl or dancing with a girl in the ways the girls and stripper wants the girls to touch and dance with him you would not be talking to be anymore. Let's just say, getting caught in the crossfire of 4 dozen men that consider cabbage and beer a major food group, wasn't the one-way ticket to fame they originally thought it was haha.

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