Big ass tube

Big ass tube

As I was looking through footage I realized I installed fans earlier this summer in the shop but never released the video covering the process. Made in the USA. It's a win win. And let me tell you…. They're also enviornmentally friendly, safe around pets, and made with natural ingredients. It occurred to me earlier today that I built a 4, sqft shop this year, which is just incredible. While I was mounting fans, next I moved to the porch. After getting those punched I moved the pieces down to the ground, separated them, and drilled two holes on the flat portion that will be sitting on the truss. I first cut them to the length needed to span two trusses then joined them together by drilling a hole dead center for a nut and bolt, using my Triton Super Jaws and a pair of vise grips to hold them in place for me. Once I got those tighter I ran the wiring through the center tube for the electrical bits then dropped that down in the center of the mount. Managed By Analytik. Now it was ready to set into place.

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