Bite de vieux

Bite de vieux

Then we had time for quite a long conversation about what we plan to do when we retire, while we watched the people at the next table eat two further courses, one of which required the presence of M Goujon to slice it up. Restaurant Da Emma. Together, the restaurants on this map make up a dining scene for which even the most hesitant locals should consider braving the crowds. To our surprise, the waiter presented the box of mignardises while we were still eating dessert. This back and forth is what food and wine pairing is really all about in a nutshell. When you add food pairing to the equation, it could get complicated. We left feeling satisfied, and with half a bottle of Jules 7 ans to drink at home — since we had the rally-driving still to do. Scotch eggs, mushy peas, and deep-fried Oreos complete the experience. If you love food and wine, stop overcomplicating it. I fully agree with you, the food does take centre stage at this restaurant and it is sublime. No, these are normal back-country roads that locals drive along every day to get to work. You can opt out at any time.

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