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At noon, they were double time marched back to the barn and fed in harness from buckets hung in horse stalls and allowed to urinate before being driven out again for the afternoons work in the fields where the drivers plied their whips with glee. He needed no further encouragement as he placed the swollen head against her lips and pushed it slowly into the confines of her hot mouth. She shuddered as his middle finger slid along her clit and between her labia into her pussy and she cried out as she came against his hand. I put a finger to his lips, silencing him. It was throbbing and looked quite superb. He seemed to enjoy himself especially when her vagina or anus came in contact with the nubbins. Imagine having the slave staying where you put him because he is impaled…. She sucked as an infant would suck a nipple. What has she ever done to deserve this? I was going to give him a night that would be memorable for the both of us, but one that he would never be able to forget… and I promised him this. I am not a handsome man. I was throbbing around him, he was throbbing inside of me, and it was then that I felt the first tremor of what was promising to be the beginning of a truly mind blowing orgasm.

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