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On Thursday, Heuermann was slapped with new second-degree murder charges in the deaths of two additional women, Taylor and Costilla — bringing the total number of his alleged victims to six. Also discussing the document, Tierney said in some cases, the book "The Mind Hunter," a book about serial killers written by John Douglas, was referenced. And, Tierney said Thursday, it's "safe to say" that Heuermann is a suspect in the death of a seventh, Valerie Mack. Heuermann bought a dark-colored Chevrolet Avalanche around March 22, , prosecutors said. Watch the submissive MILFs and their enormous breasts being handled by the cruel masters! She was 28 years old at the time; she was lying on her back with her arms outstretched, her uncovered legs stretched apart, and her shirt pulled up over her torso and head, exposing her breasts, the bail application said. A second female hair remains unidentified. The document evinces his intent in committing the charged crimes. He added that if the rumors and "the reports are true," one killing under investigation — involving a Costilla, a Queens woman whose body was found in North Sea — dates back to , which precedes his relationship with Ellerup; they were married in , he said. The news comes after a swarm of police converged on Heuermann's Massapequa Park home during an exhaustive search that lasted five days recently. Taylor spoke to her mother and her phone made its last outgoing call that day, he said. He's in a bad place.

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