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Clashing vibrant colors contrast, oscillate and dazzle as though her paintings were a laser light show. Photo: Nicholas Bruno. Caitlin Cherry Ghost Leviathan , Oil on canvas 57 x in. We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. As an exhibition space, it commissions and shows new work by emerging and established artists from around the world. By Huang Wenlong. We both share a deep love for unruly women and their complex relationships. Download the press release. Caitlin Cherry Blacchyna , Oil on canvas 36 x 24 in. Painted in the artist's distinct style of chromatic distortions and dizzying overabundance, this installation emphasizes the depersonalization of celebrities and dilutes their iconographic status by placing them within a visual sea of others. Hoey has a long history of pirating masculine tropes as a response to what she sees as flaws in traditional conceptions of femininity. Robb Report.

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