Cardi b sexy

Cardi b sexy

Getty Jamie McCarthy. It's hard to believe that Cardi B's first major single, "Bodak Yellow," came out only a bit over year ago, especially when the reality-star-turned-rap-phenom has released a classic album, had two number one hits, and has appeared on songs with everyone from Maroon 5 and Bruno Mars to J Lo at record speed. Celebrity hairstylist Tokyo Stylez used Joico color, styling and care products on the rapper before her Grammys performance. Getty Cassidy Sparrow. Getty Santiago Felipe. She wore a dramatic skirt that opened up like an oyster, with Cardi as the pearl in the middle. Getty Michael Hickey. At just 26, there's no doubt that the new mama's hottest moments are yet to come, but these pictures are proof that whether she's in a ballgown at a gala or hitting the stage in a barely there bathing suit, no one can sizzle like her even if they try to. She slays Paris Fashion Week and she knows it. It was at the Grammy Awards on Feb. Cardi B has become an undeniable icon since she burst onto the music scene in Getty Kevin Tachman.

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