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Myriam, Thanks for the review and for highlighting these issues. I suspect the Oprah set came up with the idea for this book for political reasons just as I suspect that The Grapes of Wrath was written for political reasons. The review was self-published after Ms. Other work? But, to go ballistic on the book and the author? God bless you for reading this horrible book so we can enjoy this epic destruction of it. OK, powerful review, fun to read, but all I hear is whining. Yeah, no. Whoever wrote this sounds insecure, hate-filled, and ignorant as fuck. Your privilege being a US citizen and your hate at not feeling accepted drip from your words and eviscerate the work of an author trying to create a bridge between the general American perspective and the experience of an immigrant. The tearing down of this female author is disturbing and undermines everyone. A number of authors signed a […].

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