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British Broadcasting Corporation. Vice Newspaper. The site allows visitors to view pornographic videos from various categories, including professional and amateur pornography , and to upload and share their own videos. On 14 December , Pornhub announced that all videos posted by unverified users had been removed from public access "pending verification and review". If funded, the film would have been slated for a release, following six months of training for the two performers and six-person crew. Retrieved 29 April Archived from the original on 18 November The Independent. AVN News. Pornhub, which is owned by parent company Aylo formerly MindGeek , uses a list of 34, banned terms, across multiple languages and with millions of combinations, to block searches for child abuse material, a spokesperson for the company says. The Huffington Post. The suit alleges violation of federal and California sex-trafficking laws and a federal law banning the distribution of child pornography in interstate commerce.

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