Daughter daddy sex story

Daughter daddy sex story

As she got to this point in the story Melissa stole a quick look at Dad to see if he was getting mad. She did a turn and he marveled at how beautiful her ass was in her panties. I started to stop her, not wanting her to feel my erect cock. He put a pair on his face and sucked at the crotch, knowing her cunt went there. Is it big like that because I'm standing here in front of you in my underwear? Not getting any resistance she unbutton and remove his shirt. Then I barely contained a yell as I shot jet after jet of hot semen all over her little bottom. Unknown to Daddy, Melissa had already decided she wanted to give herself to him in every way. He hoped not. His girl had been turning him on these past two years and she had become the central mental image in his own sexual relief efforts. Sure, with her father, but still, a date! Net Adult-FanFiction.

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