Did pornhub ban texas

Did pornhub ban texas

The New Orleans-based 5th U. Awards Circuit Expand the sub menu. Liam Neeson. Sign up here for free — just click TechCrunch Mobility! The group filed a lawsuit in federal court last year over what it called an "anti-porn ban" by Utah lawmakers. The law, Texas said in a filing, "simply requires the pornography industry that makes billions of dollars from peddling smut to take commercially reasonable steps to ensure that those who access the material are adults. What to Hear Expand the sub menu. The feature first launched to select creators…. Social Pornhub disables access in Texas due to age verification law Amanda Silberling. Free Music Friday. More Coverage Expand the sub menu. Waymo has voluntarily issued a software recall to all of its Jaguar I-Pace robotaxis after one of them collided with a telephone pole.

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