Does pornhub cause viruses

Does pornhub cause viruses

My kid caused multiple devices to be infected by visiting pornhub. Then again, adult websites rarely are. Table Of Contents. In contrast to iOS, Android devices are at greater risk of being infected by malware. How does this relate to getting viruses from websites? Not the legitimate porn websites, at least. Yes, new Farbar logs. Conclusion So, by considering all the pointers it can be said that PornHub or any other adult websites are just like the real world. This is the biggest tell-tale sign that your iPhone has been compromised. Farbar program: FRST And as long as there has been online porn, there have been anti-porn movements. It's affecting his home PC and school Chromebook, and my daughter's home computer if not her school Chromebook, as well, and seems to have started from the Android phone he used to access the porn.

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