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The reason Farrah is the way she is, is a direct result of the abuse she faced from her mother and father. I had cuts, bruises, welts, swelling and scars. Revisit how Maci, Amber and the other cast members spent When the photographer pointed out that Abraham had admitted to the tape's existence and is likely also partially to blame for her own ruined reputation, Deborah defended her daughter. She wants two million doses dollars!? We shot it yesterday. I think my favorite part of the whole website is where it says that the job is great for a resume because you would be working for one of the top women in the nation…. Notify me of new posts by email. Set Home Popular Newest. Now Deb claims she never let her kids alone with Michael because he was a danger to them. Share the Post:. I've done the best I could for Farrah and Sophia.

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