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Thus the dangers of a remark perpetuating gender stereotypes uttered by a High Court cannot be understated. You May Also Like. The Supreme Court Handbook in a clear and accessible manner, along with relevant case law, explains how language plays an important role in perpetuating gender stereotypes and thereby hinders gender equality. About Us. Watching pornography may not be an offence. Special Reports. A High Court's utterance, even as an out of place, obiter dicta, provides direction to its subordinate courts as they hear and dispose matrimonial cases, sexual assault cases and other cases in which gender-based roles and conduct are considered, whether expressly or impliedly. Next A Feminist Institution Next. The parents should be aware of the danger behind it. Instead of delicious food made by the mother and a cake cutting ceremony on birthdays of children, parents are giving mobile phones with internet access to their minor children as a gift on such occasions to make them happy. Let the children play cricket or football or other games they like during their leisure time. July 11,

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