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Did this answer your question? Posts not from anonymized users due to platform privacy restrictions. Im happy to post stuff. Julianne Burton, Jump Cut , no. Despite such risks, as a public law scholar , I am aware that images of suffering are often part of human rights campaigns. Most of all, its visuality is resolutely compromised: blurred, amateurish, and full of artifacts. It's just not something I'm comfortable with and I don't think people I went to college with 10 years ago really want to see them either. Search keywords in the text field of a post. Search content using a reversed version of its permalink. Alison Dundes Renteln does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. Do I keep it up? It never mattered that these high-end economies of film production were and still are firmly anchored in systems of national culture, capitalist studio production, the cult of mostly male genius, and the original version, and thus are often conservative in their very structure.

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