Gacha life sex

Gacha life sex

Is the internet the problem? Just leave us alone. This update was added entirely too late, seeing as the game has been out for a very long time, and the damage has already been done with the egregious amount of mature Gacha content across the web. Leave the gross stuff in pic. There are news reports of the official amino community asking for images of girls' chests to verify, and to put a bra on if you "are 14 and under and feel uncomfortable. I have also noticed videos on youtube of users swearing at people who dislike the game. All of this combined results in a community where teens who play the game can easily create and share inappropriate content. Parent of year-old. There is no way to send another user an image in our game, which we did to prevent issues like this from happening. As mentioned above, they eventually removed certain clothing options and skin colors that players were combining to make their characters appear to be naked. Parents, do NOT allow your children to play this game. See our review.

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