Gapan xxx

Gapan xxx

As correctly ruled by the trial court, thus:. Salvador C. Reyes, Jr. Domingo of Calumpit Inc. A collateral attack is made when, in another action to obtain a different relief, an attack on the judgment is made as an incident in said action. We find no reason not to adhere to the doctrine of res judicata. Court of Appeals, et al. P is the result of the financial audit conducted by the Office of the Court Administrator OCA on the books of account of the respondent. Mar , djemos, thanks for making the effort to build the package. As such, they have the duty to immediately deposit the various funds received by them to the authorized government depositories for they are not supposed to keep funds in their custody. Furthermore, every motor vehicle shall be provided at all times with built-in reflectors or other similar warning devices either pasted, painted or attached at its front and back which shall likewise be visible at night at least one hundred meters away. Proceeding from these definitions, the Court agrees that Gabriel is guilty of serious dishonesty for deliberately impersonating De Guzman in order to use the latter's roundtrip ticket between Manila and Puerto Princesa.

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