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This vulnerability can enhance the level of intimacy and intensify the attraction. Substack is the home for great culture. News, "I know I have armpit fat, it's OK. From the enigmatic allure of Bollywood's armpit-centric dances to peculiar discussions on internet forums, this seemingly innocuous body part lies at the heart of sexual exploration and fetishes. When not reading or writing, you'll find her curled up on a couch at a quiet cafe with a book cup of coffee. When someone exposes their armpits, even unintentionally, it can create an intimate and vulnerable connection. Gender and Sexuality. By Samantha Riedel. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. When the bicep and the pit are captured at one and the same time, they create a powerful frisson, crackling with eros and lust. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Thomas J.

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