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We believe that as a church, we can legislate anger, lust, adultery, greed, prostitution, gluttony, idolatry, un-forgiveness, hatred, and abuse. And yet. The town defunded it". Retrieved March 4, Williams, who has broken all precedent and party bylaws in having his party endorse Williams-favored candidates in primary battles — including an endorsement of Williams himself — has made many an enemy in this election cycle. Washington Post. The Daily Beast. New York. Moran, President of the Log Cabin Republicans , called the conspiracy theory a "subtle subterfuge that gays are pedophiles", adding that "I will take flak from people that this is reinforcing a trope that is not beneficial for anybody who's gay in public life. Non-necessary Non-necessary. Tell Me More. Subscribe to get an exclusive first look at his columns twice a week.

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