Granny goddess

Granny goddess

Don't have an account? Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? Since the war between Apokolips and New Genesis first moved to Earth, Granny Goodness has often run Earthly orphanages, looking for potential warriors for Darkseid. As a member of Darkseid's elite, Granny Goodness has access to highly advanced weaponry; in combat she usually wields a mega-rod. When Darkseid asked why, she answered that "to have done otherwise would have robbed my lord of a most valuable asset", telling him that Mercy would obey her first, but him foremost. Gigi Potemkin. Granny runs the "orphanage" on Apokolips and is the chief of the Female Furies. She was removed from her parents and trained to be one of Darkseid's "Hounds" his elite soldiers. Books In This Series 5 Books. Mister Miracle 2 May Granny Goodness is a sadistic and cruel lieutenant to Darkseid , despot of Apokolips. Having never designed a square before, it was a fun mind challenge as a designer to come up with something fresh.

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