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Terrace Gardens : Private pregame hospitality space. We host groups of , for receptions, corporate meetings, company picnics and team buildings, as well as wedding receptions and rehearsal dinners. According to his version of events, his wife lay dead next to him. Costumes For the safety of our fans, any person arriving at the ballpark and presenting a ticket for entry that is dressed in a costume full body costumes or otherwise may be subject to reasonable searches and inspections prior to being allowed entry into the ballpark. Listen, observe and follow instructions from the public-address system, video boards, concourse high-definition televisions and Braves staff. Braves Alumni Sundays are another exciting feature of weekends at Truist Park. New giveaway items and promotional days may be added to the Braves Promotions Schedule throughout the season. We live in a world with untold advantages, but we are all miserable. Truist Park offers a variety of different concerts throughout the year. Follow us. Learn More. Grass Playing Field Approximately , square feet of sod Hybrid Bermuda covers the playing field.

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