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I was born in the wrong decade! I especially like the thought of women and girls discovering masturbation in older times when there was even less reason to believe females would ever do that sort of things. A fascinating thread! Atom topic feed. De videos. Are they all so new to the game that the sight of any sexual activity at all is exciting, or is there something else at play? I recall one where somebody said the female orgasm was just a form of urination. You can set your browser to block these cookies, but that may cause some parts of the Website to not work properly. Women don't do this. I have always thought of IFM as "education" and looked at it as a way to learn how to really pleasure a woman, when I was in a relationship. But aside from the issue of getting it through an ethics committee, the objective was counter productive because studies like this are why appalling films like Independence Day get made. Women included.

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