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Just last summer, journalist and author Kurt Eichenwald committed one of the most memorable self-owns in internet history when he tweeted out a computer screenshot showing a tab for hentai porn, then explained he was trying to prove to his wife tentacle porn was a thing. People said that Tumblr isn't a great place to post original art that isn't fanart, but I'm doing it anyway because I haven't got the motivation to draw anything else. Little Cherokee Seeds is a program where mothers and babies spend all day with first language Cherokee speakers, speaking nothing but Cherokee, so that the babies become a new generation of native speakers. See this in the app Show more. Money Snake is wise and good. Motorized vehicles aren't allowed on the sidewalk. John McDermott. Long Live Goatse. Welp, hopes to this year being bearable. This is so so important for the survival of the language. This is Money Snake. The logic of these devices being "allowed" on the sidewalk, whether they've found a technical legal loophole for it or not, is complete nonsense.

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