Is pornhub blocked in kansas

Is pornhub blocked in kansas

Some states already enforce these laws, while others are preparing to implement them in the upcoming fiscal years. Luckily, we're a free VPN that can allow you to circumvent these overbearing nanny requirements. This system isn't perfect, but it is less invasive than the alternative—closer to a convenience store clerk glancing at someone's ID than to creating a gigantic porn viewer database linked to real identities. A Better Way Forward? Jordan King is a Newsweek reporter based in London, U. They could use a government record or a third-party identification service in order to check. He has covered the intersection between politics and emerging technology, such as artificial intelligence. Hold us accountable and submit your rating of this article on the meter. Join the newsletter to get the latest updates. Show Search Search Query. He also said "this is not the end" of the Pornhub battle in Texas and that the company is "reviewing options and consulting with our legal team. Texas , along with several other states, has adopted this law recently.

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