Is pornhub disabled in texas

Is pornhub disabled in texas

Greg Abbott's age verification law Last week, an appeals court in Texas upheld the law with the battle likely now to rage on. For what it's worth, a voluntary, device-based technical solution isn't just better from a civil liberties standpoint; it may also be better at restricting access for kids. But Aylo—which was acquired by Ethical Capital Partners last year —has another idea as well. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email. Remember Me. Edit Close. Emma Camp From the July issue. We recently secured a major victory against PornHub and other sites that sought to block this law…. We've seen similar spikes in interest in VPNs in other states where Pornhub has blocked users. It also drags down the earning potential of publishers and adds costs to users who create content. Want the news delivered straight to your inbox? I think this helps explain why we see less of a push for device-level verification.

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