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In a recent interview with The Times, the actor said he thought Miller's Girl had provided a 'grown up and nuanced' story. Rishi Sunak pleads with voters to 'find it in their hearts' to forgive him for D-Day blunder as he faces British kayaker dead and two rescued after 'getting into difficulties' in French river How Covid, Russian misinformation and inflation fuelled the march of Europe's populist Right - and what the This horrific story romanticized. HuffPost UK. Angel Strawbridge breaks her silence on bitter feud with Escape To The Chateau producer as she admits she will NOT apologise for how she reacted Cara Delevingne and girlfriend Minke look effortlessly stylish as they join Taylor Swift and her A-list girl squad for dinner in London's Notting Hill Denise Austin, 67, poses in a swimsuit as she urges her followers to 'take care of yourself' and never to think of self care as 'selfish' Looking good Tom Brady is inducted into the Patriots Hall of Fame on star-studded, sold-out night in New England To celebrate her most recent birthday, Emily Ratajkowski posed completely nude in a bathtub—see the snap here. The summer of showers: Map reveals how rain will fall across the whole country today as Britain's dreary The film, which was written initially as a play by Bartlett in , was released by Lionsgate in theaters on Friday, January 26 in the US, having premiered at the Palm Springs International Film Festival earlier this year. The Telegraph. Latest stories. According to Arjona, there was also a discussion over the 'level of nudity' and 'additional barriers' that would be in place for the intimate scenes.

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