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According to writer David Zucker on the DVD commentary track, David Letterman auditioned for the role of the newscaster, but was not selected. Meanwhile, Big Jim Slade appears and frees the fortress' prisoners, who rush to engage in battle as well. Categories : films independent films comedy films martial arts films s English-language films s martial arts comedy films s parody films s sex comedy films American anthology films American independent films American martial arts comedy films American parody films American sex comedy films Films directed by John Landis Films shot in Los Angeles Films with screenplays by Jim Abrahams Films with screenplays by Jerry Zucker Films with screenplays by David Zucker Sketch comedy films Films produced by Kim Jorgensen Films produced by Robert K. Boston Globe. Weiss Films about the assassination of John F. Theatrical release poster. Coming Soon Slasher Mr. Klahn with a bucket of water. In the advertising world, this represents a mission accomplished. The fictional films are produced by "Samuel L. Rex, wearing protective gear, walks to the middle of a group of African-American men playing Cee-lo in an alley and screams the racial epithet " Niggers! After completion of the screenplay, the investor had second thoughts and decided he did not want to finance the film alone.

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