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Please Contact Support. But it is tastefully designed and everything you need is within easy walking distance. But Cliff Beach and Chang Park are both showing their age and emit a tired, lethargic vibe that seems to announce acceptance of their fate as a first choice for Russian package tourists but for no-one else. Kai Bae Beach Resort — New hotels rooms and refurbished beach bungalows plus pool and beachfront coffeeshop — 2, Baht. Eat me then fuck me! Kai Bae Beach Resort — New hotels rooms and refurbished beach bungalows plus pool and beachfront coffeeshop — 2, Baht. Fuck me daddy! On the opposite side of the street more mini-shop units of not more than 8 or 9 sqm in area, line one side of the road. Create your own playlists. As what is very hard to find on the west coast of Koh Chang is a small, value for money beachfront bungalow resort. Sign in. Needless to say, that too has been closed for many years.

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