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What pressure is being placed on the hundreds of tech companies that have not supported the Voluntary Principles? Using evidence from a courtroom video, Mickelwait showed that representatives from North America's leading agencies, including the Canadian Centre for Child Protection and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, confirmed that Pornhub had been knowingly harboring and hiding child rape videos from law enforcement. Far more resources and legislative tools are needed to slow the rampant exploitation of women and children around the world, and right in our own backyard. Gen X is feeling the negative effects of inflation more than any other generation June 14, Thank you. Decoding China: Is EU starting trade war over electric cars? Open in Our App. The company has implemented multiple measures to curb the distribution of such content, including implementing verification systems for users who upload videos. Michael Salter, Associate Professor of Criminology at the University of NSW and an expert in child sexual exploitation, said it was "absolutely devastating for survivors to know that their abuse material is out there". However, he says too often companies do not act until a concerning level of abusive material has already appeared on the site. They can post videos that were taken without consent, they can rip sex tapes from elsewhere that don't belong to them, etc. The objective is to ensure that MindGeek's commitment to safety and trust is effectively communicated to the public and all relevant stakeholders.

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