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Still, Seyfried did well with what she was given. Linda Lovelace born Linda Susan Boreman ; January 10, — April 22, was an American pornographic actress who became famous for her performance in the hardcore film Deep Throat , which was an enormous success. The 2nd half shows most of the behind the scenes violence and darkness. And while it appears the idea was to present what everyone believed to be Linda's story, then turn it upside down by showing the degradation Linda suffered at the hands of Chuck Traynor, it's an idea that, in the end, doesn't work, mainly because we still never get to figure out just who Linda Boreman-Traynor-Lovelace-Marchiano really was. Peter Sarsgaard naturally exudes kindness and charm, we are seduced by it as she is, yet when the time calls for it he is rightly overpowering and terrifying. Things start off happy and there are lots of funny moments but soon enough things take a turn for the worse and that is where the true drama ensues. Once, long ago, Hollywood made biopics about monarchs and presidents, people who accomplished things and changed the world. Peter Sarsgaard brings the sleazy real life antics of Chuck Traynor to the screen with ease to the point where you want to just reach into the screen to snatch a knot in his butt for being such a selfish, non empathetic human being. All Professional Homemade. Marc with a C Official Page. She eventually found the courage to leave her husband and wrote a tell-all which is what this movie is based on. You are now leaving Pornhub.

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