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She will definitely put the spice in all of your fantasies. Leppert had no graceful explanation for his snub, trying instead to spin it as the incidental byproduct of his intricate decision-making processes. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Photos Theater Visual Art. Accept Learn moreā€¦. Replies 16 Views 2K. Nobody bought it. About 45 Republicans are running as well, but, as much as I like to procrastinate, writing about Republicans in Dallas County seems like a far less productive use of my time than logging on to ESPN. All my life I've had the fantasy of moving down South and shacking up with one, or many, beautiful Mexican girls. What guy doesn't want that? Of course, I am not really the patient type so I don't think that I can wait for my golden years. In just a four short months in office, he helped pass a budget that calls for more cops, while only calling for a modest tax increase.

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