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Two days, which at first seemed barely long enough, instead felt pleasingly comprehensive, possibly because so much was packed so unhurriedly into each day. Atishi Indefinite Hunger Strike. This marks the second worksite accident involving an Indian national since May 3. Hyderabad Haj Pilgrims. Floor-to-ceiling windows, which can be completely rolled back, instantly obliterate the distinction between indoors and out, ushering the sounds and fragrances of the forest and sea into rooms. The TOI News Desk is your trusted source for staying informed and connected to the ever-evolving global landscape, ensuring that our readers are equipped with the latest developments that matter most. A year-old Indian worker collapsed and died on the Sinamale' Bridge in Maldives during maintenance activity. Snorkelling over reefs, dolphin watching, swimming with manta rays, reading in the over-water hanging bed-basket, lazing in the hammocks rocked by the sea-breeze, drinking champagne in the Jacuzzi, wandering the beaches, floating in the impossibly blue sea and a succession of breakfasts, lunches and dinners outdoors, beneath the trees, on the sand and under the stars, time slowed and then blissfully, ground to a halt. Close Sidebar. This marks second worksite accident involving an Indian national since May. Trending Stories In India. T20 World Cup Super 8.

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