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Marina sirtis naked

I can live with the slightly lighter hair by the end of the series, but I really dislike the very light straight hair she had in Nemesis, she didn't look like Troi. In exchange, Stewart only needed to bring home interesting stories from the set of the then-nascent "Star Trek: The Next Generation. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Marina Sirtis. Calendar Close. Pioneer Books. This resulted in some fans, and former Star Trek writers, becoming concerned that the series would continue to "re-hash" old plots. Paula Hammond. It was nominated for seven Emmy Awards , winning in makeup, costume design and sound editing. I can see that. Multilingual sites 1 entry edit. Marina Sirtis, meanwhile, was also from England, and also moved to Los Angeles for the first time, giving Stewart an unexpected compatriot. Troi's face in "Eye of the Beholder"?

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