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According to the state's electronic court records, she failed to appear for both hearings and warrants were issued. A young woman who resigned as Miss Delaware Teen USA after an online porn video surfaced was given a year of probation Monday for underage alcohol possession in Maryland. At the age of 9, King became a gymnast and competed nationally and internationally. King denied to The News Journal that she appeared in the film. Melissa King, 19, appeared in Worcester County District Court in Ocean City on citations for the alcohol violation and a separate theft charge. Last week, Miss Delaware Teen USA Melissa King made headlines when she resigned her crown in the wake of allegations that she had appeared in a pornographic video. That body language when the guy starts identifying her as a Ms. Quoted: IN!!! Her mother, Suzanne Lawler, declined comment, saying it hadn't officially been declared as of Tuesday evening, the News Journal reported. Levy said King allegedly took money out of the bus fare box last summer. Gymnastics practices always have funny moments. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited.

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