Mj fuck them kids

Mj fuck them kids

Michael Jackson is a cultural icon, truly one of the most talented performers that ever lived. No strands of orange hair. I knew instantly that was Van Halen. Main Content While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without JavaScript, it will work better with it enabled. Fuck Them Kids refers to an ironic inspirational photo quote depicting retired professional basketball player Michael Jordan saying, "Fuck them kids," in reference to a video of him from sinking shots despite a crowd of summer camp kids trying to distract him. That was the plan with Robin anyways. Steve grins and glances over at Eddie, still gazing down the water. Katt is one of my favourite comedians,and I agree with most of his viewpoints, especially on Michael Jackson. I remember what streets we were on during that song. Don't have an account? The ironic , sports quote has been floating around NBA and NFL meme circles since it was first synthesized back in Michael Jordan.

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