Montana blocks pornhub

Montana blocks pornhub

Failing to comply could potentially force a considerable global audience to resort to less regulated corners of the internet or revert to obtaining adult content on physical media like Blu-Ray. About Us. We could be entering a renaissance for human spaceflight research, as a record number of private citizens head to space — and as scientists improve techniques for gathering data on…. Age verification is the only effective method of protecting children from online porn. The most critical systems of our modern world rely on GPS, from aviation and road networks to emergency and disaster response, from precision farming and power grids to weather forecasting…. The second law requires anyone under 18 to get parental consent to join social media platforms, the first legislation of its kind in the nation. Top stories. It holds. Get our free mobile app. As the internet grew from being merely a service for sending text data by modem into the primary video delivery method for the mass media of entertainment, its use for spreading pornography has become ubiquitous. Corrections and clarifications: An earlier version of this story misstated when Texas passed HB , an age-verification law. Jon Brodkin Jon has been a reporter for Ars Technica since and covers a wide array of telecom and tech policy topics.

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