Naked beaches around the world

Naked beaches around the world

Walk past the Sa Trinxa beach bar and you will come to some small bays that are very popular amongst nudists. Last but certainly not least is Botany Bay in Broadstairs , Kent. This beach is half gay and half straight. Some places might have all the bells and whistles — think beachside bars, luxe loungers, and maybe even a DJ spinning some tunes. Walk via the sand dunes and make sure to stop and drink in the vistas of Ibiza Town's walled citadel, Dalt Vila, by looking to the left or turn to the right and see Ibiza's magical sister island, Formentera. When we went, it was the peak summer period of July and packed full of gays of all ages from all around the world. Things to do this month on Ibiza June The only visitors to this place are either naturists or hikers, both known for being rather open-minded. From the train station of Sitges, head south through the old town central area towards the coast and from there head east for around 20 minutes. Because the trip was hard to do in one day, we slept in hammocks along the way. Sign up for our daily newsletter Informative and inspiring worldwide coverage. Despite the crowds, we love that you can still always find a quiet spot at the Cavallet gay nude beach.

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