Naked female jedi

Naked female jedi

Though Kael points out that even for an Emperor, ruling every planet in the galaxy is impossible, and most planets are democratic up to the system level. Matt Kamen. Homage : Is pretty much Pilot from Farscape. Ethical Slut : Sarza is quite forward about her desires, but makes it clear she isn't looking for any kind of commitment, and even if she was, it wouldn't necessarily be with the person she's with right now. Linden Solo. S'inscrire Se connecter. She rather easily turns the tables on it. Some differences between Zeltrons and humans are also noted, and while they apply no mechanical benefit, they likely qualify the species as a whole for this trope. It is speculated that the Nue Jedi left the planet so that Master Haara's holocron would survive for the future. Loophole Abuse : Word of God confirms that Sarza's droid Essex is basically there to be a cheat to the rules of the Nue Jedi, allowing Sarza to have some gear but still be naked. A Jedi Knight Sarza meets during her first visit to the Temple. Mentor Occupational Hazard : A thousand years before Sarza was even born, Master Haara died along with the rest of her order as part of Palpatine's purge of all things Jedi related.

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