Naruto funny photos

Naruto funny photos

Namely, Sasuke trying to kill Naruto whom he sees as a personal obstacle that keeps him from obtaining ultimate power to achieve his revenge-based goals. Welcoming a New Site M.. When they are beaten, Darui is seen wondering where it went. Sorry, I was just making excuses Posted 23 June - AM. The sight of Orochimaru under the influence of the Infinite Tsukuyomi is hard to watch with a straight face. Five Kage Summit arc In Karui's first appearance, she and Omoi argued over the possible reasons that they could have been called by the Raikage. Of course, he was later to be Obito Uchiha and an agent of the deceased Madara Uchiha intended to push the Akatsuki into the direction that Madara intended. By the time the meal arrives, Naruto decides to pour the soup into the noodles so it will taste like ramen. Adding insult to injury, Naruto had just bought some fried squids for the Pervy Sage. For real! It's pretty flat.

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