Naruto xxxx

Naruto xxxx

Naruto helped Konan retrieve Nagato and Yahiko 's bodies for burial in Amegakure , and Konan left Naruto a bouquet of paper flowers for him, symbolising their new alliance. Naruto fucks 2. Hailed with praise at launch with a 93 Metacritic average, the game since received criticism for the It may not display this or other websites correctly. Meanwhile, the real Naruto received a report from Sasuke about a boy with the Sharingan. Sakura attempted to dissuade Naruto in his attempts to bring Sasuke back to Konoha by falsely telling him that she loved him. When Tsunade is incapacitated, Naruto fights Kabuto in her place and eventually defeats him with a perfected Rasengan, which he formed by using a shadow clone. During his battle with Pain, Naruto briefly wore a short-sleeved red coat with a black flame pattern around the hem and carried a large scroll on his back. Minato and Kakashi insisted that Obito be left to them while Naruto and the rest of the Alliance should focus on Madara. The Nine-Tails complies and Naruto summons Gamabunta , though he exhausts himself and ends up in the hospital , where he is visited by Shikamaru Nara. After they escape, Naruto is tasked with evacuating the giant animals into the Island Turtle 's shell and logging the island's ecology as part of his "official" S-rank mission. As thanks, Sakura informed Naruto of something she avoided telling him: there were rumours that Sasuke was trying to destroy Konoha.

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