Nate bargatze wife jokes

Nate bargatze wife jokes

He worked as a dog walker and drove a FedEx truck during the day. Happy Anniversary! Red Devils have been linked with a number of other managers. My beautiful new daughter Harper Blair. Let's get to the comedian's family! Still, he impressed her in a memorable way. But Nate shared how he had to tone down some of his jokes about Laura because the audience would assume that their marriage was troubled. Nate's wife, Laura Bargatze, has been a strong support throughout his comedy career, and they have a daughter named Harper. Evening Standard. Nate proposed to Laura in while he was pursuing comedy in N. After working as a corporate event planner for nearly a decade, Nate and Laura began collaborating in Nate also frequently references their daughter in his stand-up routines, joking about the difficulty of third-grade homework and not knowing which bus she rode on.

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