Nude scenes from movies

Nude scenes from movies

The Dreamers the best scenes with Eva Green 2. Based on the classic, controversial book, this romantic drama follows the aristocratic Connie Emma Corrin who finds herself married to a man she no longer loves. Uma Thurman became a star with her first nude scene — jaws dropped when the year-old ingenue took her top off for a sex scene with John Malkovich in 's Dangerous Liaisons — but this scene was a lot more artful. Oscar Predictions. Kate del Castillo 3. Katarzyna Zawadzka's hottest scenes from Bad Boy views. Set in the early aughts, the film has a timeless nostalgia about it, like a time capsule of some bygone era of sexual freedom that maybe everyone feels they just barely missed out on. The history of painting and sculpture is full of nude portraiture, which is regularly and comfortably classified as art. Didn't see that coming, did you? Stephanie Beatriz 3. This movie based on the novel The Holy Innocents follows a love triangle between an American student in Paris in and the brother and sister—who have a, shall we say, unusal relationship—he meets there. Boogie Nights.

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